At vero eos et accusamus et iusto odio dignissimos ducimus qui blanditiis praesentium voluptatum deleniti atque corrupti quos dolores et quas molestias excepturi sint occaecati cupiditate non provident, similique sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollitia animi, id est...
Outlook evolution of this blog 網站演化記錄
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Man Investment- 2009Q2 quarterly review & special topic
Man investment 每季都會出版一份季報,向來是一份投資避險基金的投資人或是業界人士都會閱讀的產業報告。因為該集團向來對外一再強調他們在研究資源的著力與重視,而且他們也的確一直都會提供研究報告給合作伙伴,讓他們能夠有效的更新避險基金產業的脈動與Man investment旗下商品的績效。
後半部內容則是整理了產業結構現況與檢討。我認為不脫離:"Hedge fund tomorrow"與"New views of the hedge fund industry"的範圍,只是再次證明,避險基金的改造聲浪已經漸次要發生作用了。因為經過這段期間許多專業媒體與機構投資人的要求,透明度、流動性、資產管理權等等議題,避險基金很難再坐視不理。

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後半部內容則是整理了產業結構現況與檢討。我認為不脫離:"Hedge fund tomorrow"與"New views of the hedge fund industry"的範圍,只是再次證明,避險基金的改造聲浪已經漸次要發生作用了。因為經過這段期間許多專業媒體與機構投資人的要求,透明度、流動性、資產管理權等等議題,避險基金很難再坐視不理。

Hedged mutual funds (HMFs) may be a dominant trend in next hedge fund industry cycle
「避險式共同基金」會是下一波避險基金產業的新潮流?這是一個值得關注的話題。避險基金被攻擊的成本結構、投資組合透明度、申贖流動性,似乎是有了新的替代方案。但是這個方案仍然是一個還不成熟的投資工具-Hedged Mutual Fund。
Opalesque這家另類投資界的媒體,近日有發表關於HMF 的觀察報導,是值得看看,其中也引用一家 K&L Gates 在研討會中發表有關避險基金產業發展現狀簡報,其內容就提到有關HMF的資訊,值得一看。
Hedged mutual funds (HMFs) may be a dominant trend in next hedge fund industry cycle By Benedicte Gravrand, Opalesque London:
Last year, hedge funds lost on average 20%. But mutual funds lost around twice as much. However, there is a marked trend towards a convergence between the two styles and structures, particularly in the U.S.
Mutual funds have been under pressure for a while, what with underperformance and competition from the better-yielding alternative investment funds, and the cheaper ETFS and other index funds. So they are starting to use the clever tools that came out of the investment world's laboratories, namely: alternative investment funds, to generate higher returns. So the retail market can now access such tools as shorting, leverage (although not as much as with hedge funds due to regulations), derivatives, etc. for less fees, more transparency, better liquidity and more regulatory oversight.
Naik, Agarwal and Boyson, in their 2007 working paper entitled "Hedge Funds for Retail Investors? An Examination of Hedged Mutual Funds" (Hedge Fund Centre, London Business School) predicted that "...hedged mutual funds will play an increasingly important role in the field of investment management as they provide access to hedge-fund like strategies with the fee structure, liquidity, and regulatory requirements of mutual funds."
Next cycle?
According to a Greenwich, CT based consultancy firm Lake Partners' report on The State of the Hedge Fund Industry, produced in conjunction with international law firm K&L Gates and presented by webinar on 30 June-09, the hedge fund industry has had quite a few cycles of renaissance and wreckage including:
Cycle 1 - 1949-1970s, started with A.W. Jones, ending in the "dark ages";
Cycle 2 - 1980-1990, Golden Era cumulating to a market correction;
Cycle 3 - 1991-94, recovery and "masters of the universe";
Cycle 4 - 1995-98, bull market to margin calls;
Cycle 5 - 1999-2002, bull market ending in bear market;
Cycle 6 - 2003-2009, from institutionalisation to retrenchment.
The next cycle in the hedge fund industry chronicles might well be that of convergence between styles and structures for greater access to the retail market.
Democratization of alternative strategies
Lake Partners noted a definite trend towards democratization of alternative strategies as the latter is moving into mutual funds.
It all started in 1997 with the SEC's repeal of the "short-short" Rule, when the first mutual fund practitioners initiated more hedging. The following year, the first dedicated "hedge mutual funds" were created. (Note: Here is a link to a related research paper by K-H. Bae and J. Yi, which found that the timing performance of mutual fund managers improved significantly after the short-short rule repeal: "The Impact of the Short-Short Rule Repeal on the Timing Ability of Mutual Funds".)
According to, Robert Gordon, CEO of New York-based investment firm Twenty-First Securities, pioneered the mutual fund with a hedge fund style earlier than that, in 1985 in fact, under the management of now legendary money runner Robert Stovall - although the fund never became profitable. Gordon says he still thinks they're a good idea. "But they don't have the same cache" as a hedge fund. "You don't get the same thrill."
Now, we are seeing a rapid growth in AuM and in the variety of the alternative mutual funds and structures. Indeed, the alternative mutual fund industry has grown from $1.3bn in 1997 to $100bn (est.) in 2009 (YTD).
Hedge funds and other asset managers launching alternative mutual funds
It is not just mutual funds that are launching funds using alternative strategies; there is also a trend of hedge fund managers launching mutual funds - as they seek to attract capital from the retail market. Indeed, one can invest in such a fund with only a few thousand dollars.
Greenwich, CT-based hedge fund firm AQR Capital Management for example, is now offering new mutual funds. David Kabiller, founding principal of AQR, told earlier this month that he did not think this trend would catch on among hedge funds: "There's a lot of cost and oversight to developing a mutual fund company. To take on those costs, you have to be able to innovate those products."
Only this month, we heard of U.S. firm Fred Alger Management, which is preparing to launch a long/short equity mutual fund; New York-based asset manager Van Eck Global, which is launching a new mutual fund that invests in hedge funds; Bull Path Capital Management LLC in New York, which recently converted the domestic version of its hedge fund into a mutual fund; and North Carolina-based hedge fund firm Hatteras Funds, which acquired AIP Mutual Funds, and with it the management of two mutual funds of hedge funds (see Opalesque Exclusive).
There is also U.S. investment adviser Driehaus Capital Management, which has just launched an absolute return mutual fund; FundQuest, a U.S. and European managed account services provider, which has expanded its alternative investments offering with hedge-style mutual funds; and Andrew W. Lo, the famed finance professor at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, who has recently launched a mutual fund providing hedge-fund-like strategies.(interview video below)
By Benedicte Gravrand, Opalesque London:
This is the second of a two-part article. Part One was published yesterday and can be found here Source
What are HMFs?
According to the Lake Partners report, hedged mutual funds are open-end investment companies registered under the US Investment Company Act of 1940 which implement their underlying portfolios using hedging strategies or investments on an ongoing, regular or periodic basis. Although open-end mutual funds are not the only ones in the game: registered closed-end funds, ETFs and ETNs also use these strategies.
Strategies include long/short investing, hedging (options, futures, derivatives, etc.) and alternative strategies (commodities, leverage, derivatives, illiquid private placement or distressed securities and other instruments).
Hedged mutual funds provide access to alternative strategies with lower costs, more oversight, and better liquidity and transparency than hedge funds, says the report. Their regulatory safeguards include independent custody, limitations on leverage, liquidity and daily pricing, and lower costs.
Investing in HMFs
These funds indeed offer an opportunity for investors and professionals to have greater choice, additional sources of potential returns, more tools for risk management and enhanced diversification.
Those driving the current and future marketplace for hedged mutual funds are mainly: investors (individuals, HNWIs, family offices); investment professionals (manufacturers, advisors, alternatives managers); fiduciaries, foundations, endowments; and retirements plans.
According to, unlike retail hedge funds, which have higher minimums that require some level of investor accreditation, this breed of mutual fund enjoys the same level of accessibility as the more commonplace active and passive strategies available across the traditional equity and fixed income style boxes.
Traditional mutual funds' load fees are around 3% and expense ratio fees are around 1% to 2% - although there are other one-off fees too. However, according to Investopedia, HMFs' fees are often higher than those of the typical actively managed mutual fund; the fee range for hedged products can be from 2.5% to 4% or more.
HMFs underperform hedge funds but outperform mutual funds
In their study, Naik, Agarwal and Boyson found that despite their use of similar trading strategies, hedged mutual funds underperform hedge funds : "We attribute this evidence to lighter regulation and better incentives faced by hedge funds", says the paper's abstract. "In contrast, hedged mutual funds outperform traditional mutual funds. Most interesting, this superior performance is largely driven by managers with experience in implementing hedge fund strategies."
So hedge fund managers would do well in the mutual fund arena. We could also conclude from this that if hedge funds outperform HMFs due to lighter regulation, the forthcoming, heavier, regulations on hedge funds, both in Europe and in the US, might affect hedge funds' performance significantly.
The Lake Partners report estimates that hedged mutual funds (HMFs) could outperform traditional mutual funds by as much as 4.8% p.a.
A Morningstar fund analyst recently mentioned two HMFs to CNN's Money Magazine: the Merger Fund and Hussman Strategic Growth. Both move out of sync with the S&P 500 and did well during the bear market but less well in the rebound. Over the past five years, Merger has gained an annualized 6.3%, Hussman 7.5% (Morningstar is tracking some 54 HMFs). mentioned another HMFs last month, a fairly new offering called the Nakoma Absolute Return Fund: the fund is up almost 6% YTD, trailing the S&P 500 by about 3%, a little better than the managers' historical performance in bull markets.
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Opalesque這家另類投資界的媒體,近日有發表關於HMF 的觀察報導,是值得看看,其中也引用一家 K&L Gates 在研討會中發表有關避險基金產業發展現狀簡報,其內容就提到有關HMF的資訊,值得一看。

Hedged mutual funds (HMFs) may be a dominant trend in next hedge fund industry cycle By Benedicte Gravrand, Opalesque London:
Last year, hedge funds lost on average 20%. But mutual funds lost around twice as much. However, there is a marked trend towards a convergence between the two styles and structures, particularly in the U.S.
Mutual funds have been under pressure for a while, what with underperformance and competition from the better-yielding alternative investment funds, and the cheaper ETFS and other index funds. So they are starting to use the clever tools that came out of the investment world's laboratories, namely: alternative investment funds, to generate higher returns. So the retail market can now access such tools as shorting, leverage (although not as much as with hedge funds due to regulations), derivatives, etc. for less fees, more transparency, better liquidity and more regulatory oversight.
Naik, Agarwal and Boyson, in their 2007 working paper entitled "Hedge Funds for Retail Investors? An Examination of Hedged Mutual Funds" (Hedge Fund Centre, London Business School) predicted that "...hedged mutual funds will play an increasingly important role in the field of investment management as they provide access to hedge-fund like strategies with the fee structure, liquidity, and regulatory requirements of mutual funds."
Next cycle?
According to a Greenwich, CT based consultancy firm Lake Partners' report on The State of the Hedge Fund Industry, produced in conjunction with international law firm K&L Gates and presented by webinar on 30 June-09, the hedge fund industry has had quite a few cycles of renaissance and wreckage including:
Cycle 1 - 1949-1970s, started with A.W. Jones, ending in the "dark ages";
Cycle 2 - 1980-1990, Golden Era cumulating to a market correction;
Cycle 3 - 1991-94, recovery and "masters of the universe";
Cycle 4 - 1995-98, bull market to margin calls;
Cycle 5 - 1999-2002, bull market ending in bear market;
Cycle 6 - 2003-2009, from institutionalisation to retrenchment.
The next cycle in the hedge fund industry chronicles might well be that of convergence between styles and structures for greater access to the retail market.
Democratization of alternative strategies
Lake Partners noted a definite trend towards democratization of alternative strategies as the latter is moving into mutual funds.
It all started in 1997 with the SEC's repeal of the "short-short" Rule, when the first mutual fund practitioners initiated more hedging. The following year, the first dedicated "hedge mutual funds" were created. (Note: Here is a link to a related research paper by K-H. Bae and J. Yi, which found that the timing performance of mutual fund managers improved significantly after the short-short rule repeal: "The Impact of the Short-Short Rule Repeal on the Timing Ability of Mutual Funds".)
According to, Robert Gordon, CEO of New York-based investment firm Twenty-First Securities, pioneered the mutual fund with a hedge fund style earlier than that, in 1985 in fact, under the management of now legendary money runner Robert Stovall - although the fund never became profitable. Gordon says he still thinks they're a good idea. "But they don't have the same cache" as a hedge fund. "You don't get the same thrill."
Now, we are seeing a rapid growth in AuM and in the variety of the alternative mutual funds and structures. Indeed, the alternative mutual fund industry has grown from $1.3bn in 1997 to $100bn (est.) in 2009 (YTD).
Hedge funds and other asset managers launching alternative mutual funds
It is not just mutual funds that are launching funds using alternative strategies; there is also a trend of hedge fund managers launching mutual funds - as they seek to attract capital from the retail market. Indeed, one can invest in such a fund with only a few thousand dollars.
Greenwich, CT-based hedge fund firm AQR Capital Management for example, is now offering new mutual funds. David Kabiller, founding principal of AQR, told earlier this month that he did not think this trend would catch on among hedge funds: "There's a lot of cost and oversight to developing a mutual fund company. To take on those costs, you have to be able to innovate those products."
Only this month, we heard of U.S. firm Fred Alger Management, which is preparing to launch a long/short equity mutual fund; New York-based asset manager Van Eck Global, which is launching a new mutual fund that invests in hedge funds; Bull Path Capital Management LLC in New York, which recently converted the domestic version of its hedge fund into a mutual fund; and North Carolina-based hedge fund firm Hatteras Funds, which acquired AIP Mutual Funds, and with it the management of two mutual funds of hedge funds (see Opalesque Exclusive).
There is also U.S. investment adviser Driehaus Capital Management, which has just launched an absolute return mutual fund; FundQuest, a U.S. and European managed account services provider, which has expanded its alternative investments offering with hedge-style mutual funds; and Andrew W. Lo, the famed finance professor at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, who has recently launched a mutual fund providing hedge-fund-like strategies.(interview video below)
By Benedicte Gravrand, Opalesque London:
This is the second of a two-part article. Part One was published yesterday and can be found here Source
What are HMFs?
According to the Lake Partners report, hedged mutual funds are open-end investment companies registered under the US Investment Company Act of 1940 which implement their underlying portfolios using hedging strategies or investments on an ongoing, regular or periodic basis. Although open-end mutual funds are not the only ones in the game: registered closed-end funds, ETFs and ETNs also use these strategies.
Strategies include long/short investing, hedging (options, futures, derivatives, etc.) and alternative strategies (commodities, leverage, derivatives, illiquid private placement or distressed securities and other instruments).
Hedged mutual funds provide access to alternative strategies with lower costs, more oversight, and better liquidity and transparency than hedge funds, says the report. Their regulatory safeguards include independent custody, limitations on leverage, liquidity and daily pricing, and lower costs.
Investing in HMFs
These funds indeed offer an opportunity for investors and professionals to have greater choice, additional sources of potential returns, more tools for risk management and enhanced diversification.
Those driving the current and future marketplace for hedged mutual funds are mainly: investors (individuals, HNWIs, family offices); investment professionals (manufacturers, advisors, alternatives managers); fiduciaries, foundations, endowments; and retirements plans.
According to, unlike retail hedge funds, which have higher minimums that require some level of investor accreditation, this breed of mutual fund enjoys the same level of accessibility as the more commonplace active and passive strategies available across the traditional equity and fixed income style boxes.
Traditional mutual funds' load fees are around 3% and expense ratio fees are around 1% to 2% - although there are other one-off fees too. However, according to Investopedia, HMFs' fees are often higher than those of the typical actively managed mutual fund; the fee range for hedged products can be from 2.5% to 4% or more.
HMFs underperform hedge funds but outperform mutual funds
In their study, Naik, Agarwal and Boyson found that despite their use of similar trading strategies, hedged mutual funds underperform hedge funds : "We attribute this evidence to lighter regulation and better incentives faced by hedge funds", says the paper's abstract. "In contrast, hedged mutual funds outperform traditional mutual funds. Most interesting, this superior performance is largely driven by managers with experience in implementing hedge fund strategies."
So hedge fund managers would do well in the mutual fund arena. We could also conclude from this that if hedge funds outperform HMFs due to lighter regulation, the forthcoming, heavier, regulations on hedge funds, both in Europe and in the US, might affect hedge funds' performance significantly.
The Lake Partners report estimates that hedged mutual funds (HMFs) could outperform traditional mutual funds by as much as 4.8% p.a.
A Morningstar fund analyst recently mentioned two HMFs to CNN's Money Magazine: the Merger Fund and Hussman Strategic Growth. Both move out of sync with the S&P 500 and did well during the bear market but less well in the rebound. Over the past five years, Merger has gained an annualized 6.3%, Hussman 7.5% (Morningstar is tracking some 54 HMFs). mentioned another HMFs last month, a fairly new offering called the Nakoma Absolute Return Fund: the fund is up almost 6% YTD, trailing the S&P 500 by about 3%, a little better than the managers' historical performance in bull markets.
CME Group-Managed Futures Resource Center

找尋有關管理期貨策略在1983年刋出的經典文章:"The Potential Role of Managed Commodity – Financial Futures Accounts (and/or Funds) in Portfolios of Stocks and Bonds" (此文John Lintner所撰寫,他是一位Harvard Professor),在google 過程中,發現CME 的資源中心有幾篇有關管理期貨的相關資料,當然也包括了John Lintner的經典文章,還有網路簡報-A Former Institutional Investor’s Perspective on Managed Futures,可以聽聽他們怎麼介紹管理期貨策略。簡報資料相當豐富。

Man Investment-Welcome to Managed Futures(& AHL)
最近管理期貨策略的整體績效似乎走不出「打擺子」的低潮。看了許多的管理期貨基金的報告,理解到許多基金經理人目前都有降低部位,重新部局。當我例行進入Man Investments網路要檢視Man AHL績效時,發現他們專門為管理期貨策略開闢了一個網頁單元-Welcome to Managed Futures用以行銷說明管理期貨策略的特色以及他們的旗艦基金-AHL。

對於管理期貨策略較為陌生的投資人而言,我往往推薦他們先從AHL所提供的投資資料著手了解。一來是資料的取得較為容易、也很透明,因為他們的行銷策略對象原本就是針對全球一般投資人而出發,再來就是投資門檻較低,2萬美金就可以從香港直接投資,當然還有許多越洋過來台灣銷售的保險儲蓄計畫也能小額購買,現在,國泰投信也與Man Investments合作,為台灣投資人引入了這支管理期貨程式所衍生而出的混血商品。或許在理解台灣在地版的管理期貨基金資訊之餘,花點時間去看看原生的英文的資訊,可以讓投資人更充分理解,海外版與舶來版的差異。
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對於管理期貨策略較為陌生的投資人而言,我往往推薦他們先從AHL所提供的投資資料著手了解。一來是資料的取得較為容易、也很透明,因為他們的行銷策略對象原本就是針對全球一般投資人而出發,再來就是投資門檻較低,2萬美金就可以從香港直接投資,當然還有許多越洋過來台灣銷售的保險儲蓄計畫也能小額購買,現在,國泰投信也與Man Investments合作,為台灣投資人引入了這支管理期貨程式所衍生而出的混血商品。或許在理解台灣在地版的管理期貨基金資訊之餘,花點時間去看看原生的英文的資訊,可以讓投資人更充分理解,海外版與舶來版的差異。
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